

11ShantaramBlossoms and weddings are two common sights in Spring. In this issue, Life Drawing shares with our readers Mahesh Shantaram’s images he took as a wedding photographer.



According to Shantaram, his work as a wedding photographer also transcends into documenting a contemporary and intrinsic culture in India. “Everything that’s great about India and everything that’s wrong with it can be summarised in a single wedding. Young men and women assume the role of prince and princess in a Bollywood fantasy. On the periphery, a multitude of workers facilitate the creation of Disneyland-like sets, entertain crowds, cater to thousands of guests, and generally keep the show going for anywhere between one to five days. Weddings will always be the greatest enterprise of consumption in India, no holds barred.” said Mr. Shantaram

In Asia, wedding events are often an opportunity for a spectacular show of wealth. This is no different in India. Mahesh Shantaram attempts to capture the ‘other’ side of the theatre with images of the workers (often from a lower socio-economic class) facilitating the wedding festivities as a reminder of the pervasive caste system in India.


Matrimania is exhibited at the Chobi Mela Festival which ended last February. Here are a selection of the exhibits.

ViTRINE is a slo-lifestyle monthly published by slow-fashion accessory label 72 Smalldive. The monthly blog reports on lifestyle matters and events related to the label’s philosophy of slow living. The blog also endeavours to support and report on independent creatives and events that are aligned its readers’ aspired lifestyle. For content, advertorial, and collaborative matters, please fill up our inquiry form.



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