Issue 01 Vol 7 January 2015

Issue-1-Vol-7-Jan-Best wishes for the new year! It’s a ViTRINE tradition to dedicate the January issue to celebrating new themes and aspirations for a more gracious, humane, and a slower pace of life. With the passing of the longest night in 2014, looking forward to all things bright and positive for the new year holds a special meaning…especially when the United Nations (UN) General Assembly has proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light. One of the worthy endeavor of this UN theme is to provide energy efficient light sources for educational opportunities in developing nations.

Also related to the study of light and our perception is the exhibition of Escher at Chiostro Del Bramante.  With over one hundred and fifty works, the exhibition intimately revealed the unique way in which a genius views the world. Although Eleanor MacNair works in a different art-medium, her creative process strongly resemblance those of traditional artisans – perceptive observation. On Life Drawing, we showcase her play-doh artworks that are based on photos that she sees in galleries and museums.

Haven’t made any resolutions for the fear of not fulfilling them? Or have you already broken your resolutions? Well dispair not! It is human to err and perhaps taking a good laugh at Christoph Niemann’s cartoon may embolden us to start all over again? Who knows, we may succeed this time? If seasonal eating is one of your resolution, ViTRINE has some lovely recipes for the humble winter fruit – orange. For slow-living savour faire, we will be posting 100 inspirational photos, as tips to taking it slow, on our instagram throughout 2015. If you also have a tip or two, find out how you can win our €50 shopping each month.

We wish everyone a great start to 2015!

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