World Cup Nibbles

Feeling listless, lacking in appetite, and having a short attention span…well it could be the temperature rising as summer gets ready to take over…or it could also be the World Cup fever. For the latter, the lack of sleep and a poor diet as a result of 24/7 monitoring on the matches’ results could put a strain on our physical health. Hence, we have dugged out our archives for 4 recipes that are quick to prepare and delicious and fun!

ViTRINE’s World Cup Nibble 01: Anti-Pasto Prego!

tumblr_m2zxflaorh1qhvpoko1_1280Olives, prosciutto crudo, melon, Italian bread sticks (and any healthy snacks you can find in your larder and that look good when served in small proportions) and a good glass of wine! This is a perfect set up for a small group of football fans who’s prefer a glass of chilled wine over beer!

ViTRINE World Cup Nibble 02: Toad in a Hole

tumblr_lu55kohFE11qhvpoko1_500For those who prefer a can of beer in their hand with their eyes glued to the Led TV screen…a toad in a hole might be a civilized alternative to ripping a vacuum packed of defrosted pork sausages. These fugly morsels may be prepared a few days beforehand…find recipe here

World Cup Nibble 03: Pseudo Canton Stir Fry



A good stir wok needs to a frantic chef, and rushing to get things done in between match breaks is the ideal situation to develop a frantic persona when stir frying noodles. But fret not, we have found a short cut, even shorter than making your way to your neighbourhood’s chinese takeaway! Whilst your soba is cooking in the boiling pot, throw all the vegetables into a skillet, give it a good stir. Toss cooked soba into the melange of vegetable and drizzle with sesame seed oil and a dash of Tamari Sauce. (Note: Meat is purposely opted out as it takes extra preparation time for the novice). This dish is perfect with ice cold beer.

World Cup Nibble 04: Slow Cooked Terra Cotta Pot Rice

tumblr_m2d83twWXs1qhvpoko1_500This is a slightly more complex dish but with a little bit of planning, it is easier than England not wining a world cup. Stir fry rice and pre-soaked Shitake mushrooms in the terra cotta pot with soya sauce and garlic, add water, cover with lid and leave to cook.



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