Gracious Living Guide 20: Gifting – An Antidote to Materialism?

72Smalldive Gold Plated Enameled Brass Cuffs

This month 72 Smalldive opens starts a new online retail project. A new segment within the online shop will be focused on lifestyle gift items that are handmade or produced by independent labels. design studios and craftsmen. 

72Smalldive Travel Pouch in Antiquated Calfskin

I’ve always had a love and guilt relationship with the act of giving. I enjoy gifting but I am also often perplexed by its association with consumerism and materialism. Silly but unavoidable, I am often guilty when I received a gift that is deemed too expensive and likewise I am also unnecessarily overtly cautious not to be seen as too generous when gifting. 

72 Smalldive Suds and Scrub Crochet Exfoliant

Although Galateo view expensive gifts to an acquaintance as vulgar, there are really no rules that govern the realm of gifting. When gifting is sincere, and acted out with pleasure, what stays with the recipient is the loving memory of having experienced the gift over time. It is this desire that we based Gift & Things on; a portal whereby one may find the right gifts that represent the giver’s well-wishes for the recipient. And we hope in this manner, gifting may be the antidote to materialism


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