Gracious Living Guide 19: Think Good!

72 Smalldive Vitrine Gracious Slow Living 20

Quote: The Twits, Roald Dahl Illustration: The Twits


We’ve picked this simple and assuring quote from Roald Dalh’s book The Twits because it aptly sums up our resolution for 2014. Feeling good starts with bearing good thoughts and no matter how hard you try, it is difficult to hide your beaming face when you start the day with good thoughts in mind. Roald Dahl might not be a expert cosmetologist, but he had certainly hit the nail about how inner beauty / ugliness will always exude. With the economic crisis and job insecurity hovering over our minds, it is tempting to let our worries take over. Let’s try to remind ourselves to take that extra effort in bearing a good thought or two…and perhaps that might leave less space for worrying or negative thoughts! For all we know, we might have discovered the best and cheapest make-over solution ever!!

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