Giuseppe Vaccaro

72 Smalldive ViTRINE Tete a Tete Behind the Scene Giuseppe Vaccaro

Continuing with our ‘Behind the Scene’ series of interviews, ViTRINE spoke to Giuseppe Vaccaro, the photographer and videographer of 72 Smalldive campaign images for 2014 collection.

Giuseppe is the other half of the creative duo that established CommonUnCommon, an independent alternative media and communication agency based in Milan. What sets Giuseppe apart from many fashion photographers was his ability to capture and portray the intimate moments in images, a factor that is severely rare in the realm of fashion photography. ViTRINE had a heart-to-heart conversation with this genius and finds out what inspires his visuals.

V: When did you realize that you have that special knack in photography?
GV: My interest in photography began as early as when I was 3 years old, playing with my father’s old cameras and lenses, and also his Polaroid.

V: Going through the images that you have captured, I see a certain aspect of grace and fluency. Is that your visual ‘voice’ in your works? Or is there any single voice at all?
GV: Well, yes, there is a natural and recognizable language in my images; expressing myself through my works is my signature I leave on these images. I personally feel that it is very important to bring to the audience the inner qualities, the soul, of the subject albeit the fact that in photography the subject is actually ‘frozen’ within a frame. 

V:You have worked on various shooting for 72 Smalldive, on reflection what is the emotional state that you tried to portray out of those shootings?
GV: What I would like to bring across is a deep sense of reality spontaneously caught within a spur of the moment. That moment could have been insignificant at that instance, but when viewed with care, revealed moments of intimacy, allure, and glamour.

V: Which great photographer(s) influence(s) your work?
GV: Nan Goldin, Peter Lindbergh, they are Gods.

V: Do you prefer to see the world through your camera lenses or through your naked eyes?
GV: Obviously through my lenses, because with my lenses I am able to translate and interpret well what my eyes wouldn’t be able to share via words.

You may view Giuseppe Vaccaro’s work at his Flickr portfolio  

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