Ivano Mansueto

72 Smalldive Behind the Scene Campaign 2014 Tete-a-tete Ivano Mansueto

In a series of interviews in conjunction with Behind the Scene, ViTRINE talks to the various key persons that help construct the label’s luscious campaign images for 2014

Ivano Mansueto is the other half-frontman of CommonUncommon, a creative agency based in Milan. This year 72 Smalldive had the great opportunity to collaborate with the agency for its 2014 campaign images. What strikes out label about CommonUncommon is their fresh and yet intimate approach in constructing a coherent and real story for 72 Smalldive line of products.

V: You have played various roles in the creative field, which role endears to you most?
I’ve asked myself the same conflicting question since I started working in this field. I think what I like most is directing and producing works that have a inherent reverence for creativity.

V: What did you see is lacking in the creative industry that fueled your passion to want to construct a creative agency like CommonUncommon?
I would say the quest for truth, authenticity, and intimacy. However what is significantly lacking and compromised these days is simplicity. We are living in a rather surreal era where the mundane is misconstrued as innovative. This complacent attitude is further supported by our ignorance. Through my creative agency, I would like to be that outsider that connects the public with the fashion industry through a ‘dialogue’ and therefore closing the gap between brands and the consumers. CommonUncommon should be providing a 3rd, or 4th, or even 5th channel of communication for these brands.

V: In 5 words, how would you describe your aesthetic / creative vision ? Where is the influence from?
Raw, Intimate, Communicative, Fresh, Naive. Roland Barthe’s “La Chambre Claire” in highly influential to my philosophy and aesthetics. The work of Pablo Picasso as well.

V: You have worked on various shooting for 72 Smalldive, what was your intended vision and message that you would like to bring across through those shootings?
IM: I would like to communicate through the campaigns the importance of having an accessory that one may carry or possess in one’s daily life, even in the most insignificant moments of one’s life. It is hope that consumer understands the intrinsic value of these ‘little things that matter’ such as the artisanal aspect of the product and their relevance to our memories.

V: Communication in fashion predominantly carries a message of prestige and luxury. Mid-priced and independent labels now take a different approach to imagery and messages. With these two diverging paths in mind, what do you think is the future of visual communication in the world of fashion?
There is a global vision of fashion industry which I think is already influencing the future: Individuals understand that they have the power to communicate through their style and choice of apparels. In an organic and natural approach, these individuals will overturn laws of fashion and therefore advertisement and PR communication. On the other hand, there is also an ongoing trend in which the push for fast fashion consumption lead to advertising campaigns that inadvertently erase the individual identity. I do have confidence in the power of technology to alter the dominating laws in the fashion industry, look at what blogs and bloggers did…

To know more of Ivano’s projects, please visit CommonUnCommon Magazine

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