Cityblis: A One Stop Platform for Independent Designers



Our team discovered Cityblis via an invitation from the media director of Cityblis. Via various content sources in the internet, Cityblis described itself as a an interactive, multi-platform social eCommerce website that allows consumers to shop and interact with friends, store owners and other consumers. Launched in April 2012, this site is a combination of personalized webstores and an online mall.  The platform is purportedly developed to help small businesses to reach out to new markets around the world through a community based infrastructure

I have to admit that I was at first skeptical about Cityblis as a fashion social network platform. This is primarily because there are so many fashion social network platform and almost none addresses the key needs of independent brands.

After setting up an account with Cityblis for 72 Smalldive, I realised that the platform is not only user-friendly to independent designers but it is also a conducive platform. A webshop platform aside, Cityblis has a facility to allow independent designers to send out press releases and announcements via its media portal. At the same time, bloggers and journalists are invited to use the portal as a ‘front row’ press room. This functionality is what sets Cityblis apart. Independent designers, through Cityblis, have access to not only showcase their products and creations but also to disseminate products news and updates via the network in a cheap and efficient manner. Running concurrently is also Cityblis’ Pinterest-like window display where products from the various labels are randomly displayed daily.

Making Cityblis a successful web shop portal will take a long while, but with the right infrastructure, this social network has shown great potential. All it needs next is our viva-voce to support its effort in promoting independent labels. Although designers in Cityblis’ network is by invitation only, we feel that a sharper curated list of independent lables may help it generate more public appeal.





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