Alexa Curtis Recommends: The Grey Dog, New York City

A healthy sandwich and salad meal at The Grey Dog

A healthy sandwich and salad meal at The Grey Dog

Alexa Curtis is 72 Smalldive guest blogger for the months between July-September and to kick off her stinct at ViTRINE, Alexa will be recommending some of her lifestyle hangouts on the eastern coast of the US. In the first series, Alexa takes us to her favourite cafè-restaurant chain in New York – The Grey Dog.

Here is a brief review in Alexa Curtis’ own words: This restaurant is a quaint hole-in-the wall kind of place. You get your high quality sandwich and soup combo albeit down to earth, The Grey Dog has a very homey and intimate feel. A crowded and somewhat rugged scene make you feel like you’re in the middle of the woods feasting on grilled chicken chopped salad (with a tofu option) and a home cooked meal by Mom. The good variety of vegetarian and gluten-free options attract every sort of person, even the pickiest eater.

You may find the menu options and locations via the website The Grey Dog 

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