Alexa Curtis

A fashion blogger, social media manager (for various independent fashion labels) and model with big city dreams, Alexa has set her sights far and beyond her hometown in Connecticut.  True indeed, this junior high school student has already made her appearance and her voice heard in Fox TV and Huffington Teen Post.
We are fortunate indeed to have Alexa as our summer 2013’s guest blogger. During her ‘resident-ship’ , Alexa will be running a give away contest , recommending on shops and eatery on the East Coast of United States. Alexa will also provide dressing tips to her and our readers with 72 Smalldive accessories.
The following is our interview with Alexa. Discover Alexa’s blog at A Life in the Fashion Lane 

VITRINE: In your biography you have mentioned that you have worked as a fashion model. Share with us how were you discovered?

AC: Yes! About 2 years ago I sent my pictures to a few different agencies randomly, and one of the agents contacted me back within one day and wanted me to go in to her office for an interview. I went in a few months later and she signed me the next day! Since I’m not 16 yet and the labor laws require most models to begin work at 16 in NYC, I am waiting until my birthday in October to really begin, but I have a few different photo shoots planned this summer and in the fall that are super exciting.

ViTRINE: Why did you approach 72 Smalldive for such a collaboration?

AC: I am very interested in helping smaller brands gain exposure, and 72 Smalldive is a unique and growing brand that I see making a huge impact in the fashion industry. I wanted to get in on the action before other bloggers took part! I’m constantly inspired by brands growing and seeing the process of starting small and growing to be huge.

ViTRINE: We have read your article on Huffington Post and in that article you wrote about the growing importance of bloggers’ influence in fashion. In what ways is your blog influencing your readers?

AC: I hope that by people reading my blog, they will be influenced to follow their dreams and never let anything get in the way. Coming from a very small town with no interest in fashion, following my dreams hasn’t been an easy process, and my blog has been my creative outlet and support the entire journey. No matter if you’re 12 or 60 reading my blog, everyone should feel inspired and like they can achieve anything like I have.

VITRINE: Do you think when blogging becomes an enterprise, we may ran into the same vicious cycle of the code of journalism being compromised as a result of blogger focusing too heavily on advertorial revenue?

AC: Tricky question! Yes, I do believe that as blogging gains momentum as one of the largest and quickly advancing industries, journalism and other forms of writing and creative outlets may be compromised because of advertorial revenue. Many bloggers are using their blog to make money and a living, and by doing so more ads and money making factors are getting in the way of the creativity the industry used to be aware of before all the advertising. We have to hope that people will continue to blog because they love it and enjoy spreading fashion, and not because everyone is obsessed with making money.

ViTRINE: In your opinion, granted that bloggers are becoming more influential as spokesman for fashion, which are the areas you think the bloggers should improve on so that their influences also bring a positive contribution to the business of fashion?

AC: I definitely believe more bloggers should have experience in social media, marketing/PR because that is such an important and key part of the industry. If you don’t know how to network and market yourself, unfortunately you can’t expect to become the next Anna Wintour of the industry.

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