14 Passion Has No Gender

Indycar Series Champion Danica Sue Patrick

We live in a society that is deeply entrenched in the habit of genderism. Toys, hobbies, even consumer products are subjected to an illogical generalization of which is suitable or unsuitable for either sexes. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on genders are not going to change anytime sooner unless our children learn to embrace that genderisms are just unfound claims based on socio-cultural factors. A quick way to inculcate an open mind is through children’s passion; how often have we made silly remarks such as ‘ballet is not for boys’ and ‘girls are better at sewing’? Had Danica Patrick, Roberto Bolle, or Alber Elbaz paid heed to genderism, this world would be deprived of such wonderful talents. Passion, ambition, beauty, and even grace have no gender, never before and never in the future.

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