Francesco Silver

Having moved to Milan, from Bari, two years ago for his work as a physio-therapist, Francesco now considers this city his home. When not assisting patients in rehabilitation therapy, he records the daily happening of the city with his iPhone. On a tram, in a park, or even at a music concert event, Francesco would be observing & capturing the intricacies of life and emotions of the habitants in Milan.

V: Your photos about Milan reveal to me an intimate story…your story?
FS: In my snapshots, you see see lot of of images of the deserted city streets at night, walls that are “violated” by grafitti, living ghosts in discotheques…I identify with those images. Those images are also my experiences with loneliness, new encounters, my sense of connection with this city. Thus, yes in most of these photos there is a story that belongs to me.

V: The subject of loneliness crop up very often amongst Milanese. But this city is such a small city: where I live, almost everyone knows each other…
FS: Milan is not a big city as you know. I think the sense of loneliness stems from the sense of ‘inadequate-ness’ in love, in friendship, and in our relationship with the city. In fact this sense of solitude allows me to observe and capture images of life in this city.

V: You capture a lot of photos of Milan during the night.
FS: Many of my photos,especially my favorite ones, are those taken at night. I think there is more truth in what we see at night than in the day. People seem less inhibited to show who they really are during the night.

Francesco is ViTRINE’s contributor for the ‘column’ Life Drawing
More about Francesco:

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