Pauline Toruan

Pauline Toruan—stylist, fashion designer, and hard core craftmaker…this sultry dynamite is more than meets the eyes. Last winter, we had the opportunity to catch up with  our darling stylist for a quick chat on her views on fashion, tips on fun and effortless dressing, and coping with  retail therapy in an epoch of austerity (avec a stimulus package…)

72 Smalldive Press Team

Pauline Toruan is ViTRINE’s monthly style contributor. To catch a glimpse of Pauline’s styling portfolio, please visit www.

Pauline Toruan

Tell us more about your background and how you forayed into the world of styling?
Two years ago, I was working as producer on various TV shows and video instructor for inner city students, but I had always been interested in fashion styling.  When my boyfriend purchased a Rebel camera, he started taking pictures of me in different outfits.  At that time, I knew a fashion photographer who was just starting out.  He had access to great models from New York Models and he was looking for a fashion stylist. I showed him the pictures that my boyfriend took of me and he asked me to style one of his shoots.  I really liked the experience and have never looked back since.

What key elements can be identified with your styling?
Sexy and fun.  I also like to use quirky accessories.

Photo Shoot Styled by Pauline Toruan

Creating that “ah-ha” moment: in your opinion is it a scientific or artistic process?
Artistic process.  Every model gives you different vibes.  Sometimes I don’t even know what I want until I see the outfits on them.

Any rules to make dressing a fun but less time consuming event?
Yes, drink a glass of wine before you dress up for a party.  Another thing to do is to keep things simple when you’re not in the most fashion-y state of mind.

If we have to save this dire economy by shopping, and given that not many of us would have trillion dollars to spend…what items would you recommend we buy for the next season?
I’m obsessed with Alexander Wang’s leather shorts.  Also, splurge on a pair of sleek zippered sandal boots to wear on those fun night outs with your girlfriends.

Pauline’s Cystal Ball of Styling

Fashion is so exciting these days.  We have a mixture of all the knowledge and influences from the past and the outrageously fab present influences such as Lady Gaga. Pretty is out, while fun and sexy with a touch of edge are in.  It’s important to keep things exciting and unexpected by not following the rules.  For example for a night out on the town, instead of wearing a pretty little dress, go for short leather shorts with extremely high platform heels.

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