Silke Bücker

Cologne, Germany

Silke Bucker

Silke Bucker

Silke Bücker is the store owner of Gold, Mode Zur Zeit, an über cool concept store in Cologne that unapologetically stocks progressively sleek apparel and accessories for the self-assured individual.

Despite the crisis, rather than reneging on her vision, Silke continues to offer an even wider collection of fiercely independent and ultra-hip labels. When not on a style-hunt, Silke also freelances as a journalist for various style magazines such as Indie, J ‘n’ C Magazin, and Intro. This stylish multi-talent who looks just as comfortable in a Christian Wijnant, Vanessa Bruno, or Henrik Vibskov outfit took time to share with us her aspirations for the store Gold, Mode Zur Zeit.

Interviewer: 72 Smalldive Press Team

Gold Mode Zur Zeit was named after Spandau Ballet’s famous track “Gold”. How did this name and retail space came about? “GOLD” was chosen because we wanted a familiar and cosmopolitan name. It is also a name that resonates with idea of something substantial. During the period when I was preparing and setting up the store,  my friends and I listened to Spandau Ballet’s track Gold, over a dinner. The lyrics of the refrain truly underlined our aspirations for “Gold” and its clientele: self confident individuals with that indestructible attitude. Hence I decided to use the refrain as a  complementing slogan for the store’s name.

What are your aspirations for the store? We wanted Gold to be a special place for forward looking trendsetters who believe that clothes are more than what they seem at first sight; who are interested in not only the product but also the story behind the product; who are convinced that one’s choice of style and one’s personality are inseparable. I hope more and more people living in Cologne will share that attitude.

At a glance, for the inexperienced, your picks for Gold may seem overtly avant-garde and intimidating, but on the second look—they are highly elegant and wearable pieces. What are your team’s guiding principles when selecting items for your store? The labels we stock are chosen because we like them. In addition I want to introduce new and outstanding creations; items which you cannot find everywhere. Gold’s  selection is not based on a single style, it is heterogeneous so that everyone that platform to define her or his specific and individual style.

In a perfect and ideal world, how would Gold be any different? In that ideal world, I would be much more daring and experimental in buying. I would like offer more extraordinary items without a care if products are too pricey. There will not have any need for sales discounts, because Gold is a store that offers timeless pieces…a far cry from fast food fashion that many commercial stores stock.

What are challenges you face, as an independent concept store and how do you overcome these challenges? The increase in thriftiness amongst German shoppers have become rather alarming over the last few seasons – store sales are everywhere all year long. Our biggest challenge is to convince our customers of the value of our merchandise. Of course we have to subjugate ourselves to the current market forces by offering discounts…but we try to make our consumers understand that their support for independent stores are crucial, and that stores like Gold offer other the intrinsic values rather than just sales discounts.

72 Smalldive accessories are available at Gold, Antwerpener Straß 13, Cologne, Germany

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